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Posted By Topic: No more double up bets on the last 5 days?       - Views: 254
30-May 2017 Tuesday 4:18 PM (2680 days ago)               #1

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quote originally posted by YouZhunOrNot?:
As today will be the 5th day from the end of the season.

My question was in accordance this - 
Qn 16. What is Double Up?
Ans. To make the run-in to the end of the season doubly exciting, the last 5 days of the season you will be able to double up your bets! i.e. Normal Bet = AB$50,000. BIGBET = AB$200,000! This will ensure the Top 50 will be on their toes with the chasing pack having a greater chance to catch up (or fall away).


SEASON #65 (Day 59)


01 Apr 2017 


03 Jul 2017 

Peace be with you.

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10-Jun 2017 Saturday 1:41 PM (2669 days ago)            #2

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this season is a little special because of the Confederations Cup, which is not big enough for its own season. For Euro and World Cup it will be a season by itself. 

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